2023, Number 1
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Rev Hum Med 2023; 23 (1)
Salutogenesis, cure and healing
Colunga SS, Moya RJL
Language: Spanish
References: 34
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In health, the pathogenic model still prevails worldwide, which emphasizes the etiopathogenesis of the disease, cure or rehabilitation. The salutogenesis model has been progressively introduced, which advocates the importance of primary prevention, well-being and health. The objective of the article is to argue the links between salutogenesis, healing and curing, as categories connected to the healthy condition of the subjects, taking as a source of support the criteria of health professionals and the consultation of accredited bibliographic sources on the subject.
Material and method:
Theoretical, empirical and statistical methods and techniques were used. The theoretical systematization allowed to characterize and relate the processes of salutogenesis, healing and curing. An online questionnaire was applied to professionals linked to the health sector to inquire about the categories of healing and curing, from which responses were obtained from 35 specialists. The data was processed using descriptive statistics.
The exploration revealed some differences and similarities between the curative and healing processes; highlighting the more restricted character of the first; as the most versatile and creative methodology, the transformative character and the most lasting effects of the latter. It is noted that the level of mastery related to both processes is not sufficiently widespread or notorious, as would be required for a more effective care work.
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