2022, Number 2
Syphilitic secundarism in intradomiciliary contact with multibacillary patient
Language: Spanish
References: 17
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Among the differential diagnoses of tuberculoid leprosy are secondary syphilis, body ringworm, granuloma annulare and skin tuberculos, among otyheres. Syphilis is a systemic transmitted, infectious disease. It is presented a 19 years old female patient, white skin color, with a history of first order intradomiciliary contact of a case of multibacillary leprosy. The patient attends to the dermatology consultation after presenting lesions from several weeks before, which she described as “insteps”, which do not itch or cause discomfort, but have grown progressively. She presented evening fever, tiredness, malaise and headache. During the interrogation is collected the information that approximately 5 months ago she presented a genital injury in the form of a “peeled area” that disappeared by itself. The dermatological examination revealed a disseminated picture consisting of annular lesions, with a darker central area, well-defined edges, papuloses, with diameters ranking from 1 to 4 cm, in fewr than a dozen, distributed on the face, V cleavage, and proximal region of limbs. Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (STD) test is indicated and early syphilis diagnosis confirmed. The case arises because of the importance of always thinking of syphilis in a patient with annular lesions in skin.REFERENCES
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