2024, Number 1
Maxillofacial Trauma. ''San Francisco Xavier University Hospital'', January 2008-December 2018, Sucre-Bolivia
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 7-11
PDF size: 200.58 Kb.
Introduction: maxillofacial trauma is a currently very common and complex pathology; it is defined as intentional or unintentional damage caused to the body by strong exposure to energy sources that exceed its tolerance range. Objectives: determine the prevalence of maxillofacial trauma according to age, gender, etiology and affected region in the Dentistry Service of the "San Francisco" University Hospital. Material and methods: a retrospective cross-sectional observational study was carried out. The sample consisted of 1,637 cases of maxillofacial trauma. Results: according to the type of trauma, soft tissue (contusion and laceration) was the most prevalent 44.8%. Depending on age group, soft tissue contusions were the most common in groups from 1 to 9 years. While fractures were more frequent in patients between 20 and 29 years old. The male gender was the most prevalent 73.5%. Regarding the etiology of the trauma, in general, falls were the most frequent 48.1%. Regarding the anatomical region affected, in soft tissue the most affected was the frontal region 32.4%; However, regarding fractures, the most prevalent was nasal fracture 5.3%. Conclusions: soft tissue was the most prevalent against fractures. The male gender was the most frequent. Falls were the most common cause. In soft tissue, the most affected was the frontal region and regarding fractures, the most prevalent was the nasal fracture.REFERENCES
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