2022, Number 1
Methodology for the preparation of the opposition report of the specialty thesis
Language: Spanish
References: 11
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Introduction: the opposition to the specialty thesis is one of the essential components of the final evaluation of this document and in which there are still insufficiencies.Objective: to propose a methodology for the evaluation of the formal and scientific aspects of the specialty completion work.
Methods: bibliographic review in SciELO and CUMED databases through the academic Google search engine, of normative documents of the Ministries of Public Health and Higher Education of Cuba, and criteria of experts and university directors. 11 documents related to the topic were selected, where 8 (72.7%) out of them correspond to the 2017-2021 five-year period.
Development: a methodology is presented for the preparation of the opposition report of the specialty termination thesis that can help the state examining board to carry out this activity and achieve a fair and uniform evaluation. It contains updated methodological elements that are not always well applied by evaluators and in which more and more health professionals participate.
Conclusions: this methodology should be considered a useful instrument that allows raising the preparation of the evaluators and the quality in the performance of such an important function.
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