2022, Number 1
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EduMeCentro 2022; 14 (1)
El proceso pedagógico y los objetivos formativos en la educación
Rodríguez FZ, Delvaty BME, Deulofeu BB, Rodríguez PZ
Language: Spanish
References: 26
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Introduction: in the pedagogical process, the relationship between education, instruction, teaching and learning is manifested, it´s aimed at the development of the personality of the student for its preparation for life as a social being.
Objective: to issue criteria on how to solve the problem of identifying the pedagogical process with others expressed with different terminologies, but with similar purposes, and its relationship with the scope of the formulation of the objectives, as the basis of its training intention.
Methods: a documentary review was carried out in the CUMED, SciELO and LILACS databases, concerning the subject. Articles in Spanish of Cuban origin from the last decade were selected. The following keywords were used: processes/pedagogical, teaching-learning, teaching-educational, instruction, education, training objectives. 25 documents were selected, out of them 15 correspond to the 2017-2021 five-year period; 23 of Cuban authors and 2 foreigners.
Development: the pedagogical process is considered the core category of the theoretical system of pedagogy as a science of education and includes the teaching-learning process, object of study of didactics, also called the educational teaching process, although without identifying them indistinctly, and with the preference to use the first term. The training objectives constitute an integration of the cognitive, procedural and attitudinal aspects that are expected to be achieved in the students.
Conclusions: the formative intention of the pedagogical process must be declared from the objectives of the subject, the year and the university career through the linking of the personal components of the process, in the transformation of the learning object through the execution of different tasks that they respond to a correct formulation of the training objectives, in correspondence with the law of the dialectical unity of instruction and education.
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