2022, Number 1
Methodology for the educational software integration in the teaching-learning process of dental Rehabilitation
Language: Spanish
References: 22
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Background: the integration of educational software in dental Rehabilitation requires specifying a path that leads teachers to take advantage of the potential and resources it contains.Objective: to explain a methodology for the didactic integration of educational software in the teaching-learning processes of the subjects Rehabilitation I and II in Dentistry.
Methods: a qualitative research was carried out at the Holguín University of Medical Sciences, from January to June 2020. Theoretical level methods were applied: analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, systemic-structural-functional and modeling, which allowed organizing and developing the methodology.
Results: from the previous diagnosis of insufficiencies and potentialities of the current state of the integration of educational software in the teaching-learning process, a methodology was elaborated that consists of a general objective, foundation, cognitive apparatus and instrumental apparatus; the latter with three stages and their procedures, as well as guidelines for their implementation.
Conclusions: the methodology constitutes a theoretical-methodological tool for the didactic integration of educational software in the teaching-learning process. Its organization and structure provide a new vision on how to assume integration in dental Rehabilitation, with guidelines that make possible the use of these resources in a learning environment that promotes student activity.
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