2022, Number 1
Training levels of the professional life project in Medicine students
Language: Spanish
References: 15
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Background: proposing the training levels of the professional life project to address student diversity contributes to the organization and quality of the pedagogical process in the Medicine degree.Objective: to evaluate the training levels of the professional life project in Medicine students.
Methods: a descriptive research was carried out Holguín University of Medical Sciences in the Faculty of Medical Sciences "Mariana Grajales Coello", from 2020 to 2021. The following theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and modeling; empirical ones: the instrument Exploration of the professional life project. The research was carried out in three stages and the mixed approach was used to obtain evidence of its viability. The validation of the levels and the applied instrument occurred through the criteria of experts.
Results: the training levels of the professional life project for Medicine students were defined. The expert criteria allowed us to identify a prevalence of the indicators evaluated as very adequate and quite adequate. The diagnosis made in a group showed difficulties in relation to content and structure.
Conclusions: there are insufficiencies in the treatment of the professional life project during initial training. The validation of the levels was accepted by the experts.
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