2022, Number 1
Effectiveness of a training programon COVID-19 aimed at medical sciencestudents
Language: Spanish
References: 11
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Background: it is necessary toin crease the preparation of medical ciences students for health promotion and prevention of COVID-19.Objective: to determine the effectiveness of a training program aimed at medical science students for COVID-19 prevention actions in Santa Clara.
Methods: an educational intervention study was carried out through action research in the period from March to April 2021, in the health areas of the municipality of Santa Clara. Theoretical and empirical methods were used to support the research: documentary analysis and questionnaire before and after the program was applied, which was assessed by five specialists with more than 20 years of experience and scientific and teaching ranks. Mathematical-statistical methods of percentage calculation and descriptive analysis we reused.
Results: at the end of the implementation of the program, 744 (91.9%) students were satisfied with the training received; among them, 509 (62.9%) and 235 (29%) obtained ratings of Very Good and Good, respectively, with significant differences between the level of know ledge before and after.
Conclusions: the students improved their preparation to carry out promotion and prevention actions in house-to-house investigations for the prevention of COVID 19 and expressed their satisfaction with the tools used. The program was satisfactorily assessed by the specialists consulted.
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