2022, Number 1
Contribution of the EDUMECENTRO journal to the teaching-learning process of English in the medical sciences
Language: Spanish
References: 14
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Background: it is necessary to develop communicative competence from the English discipline to improve the teaching-learning process in medical sciences, and the publications linked to the particular registers of the English language it contributes to this, which have a positive impact on the didactics of medical education.Objective: to present the contribution of the EDUMECENTRO journal from its pages to the preparation of English teachers in medical sciences for the improvement of their teaching-learning process.
Methods: a documentary research was carried out at the Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences, from January to May 2021. Theoretical methods were used: analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive and historical-logical; the empirical one in documentary analysis; and from the mathematical-statistical descriptive statistics. Figures and tables were used to represent and compare the results.
Results: through the instruments used, it was determined that the publications on the topics related to the English language continue to be insufficient, although the variety and importance of those addressed are recognized, as well as the types of articles, which respond to research carried out, mostly by teachers from the Department of Languages.
Conclusions: the EDUMECENTRO journal allows to socialize the research and experiences of teachers of the English Language specialty, which represents a contribution to the particular didactics of medical education. On the other hand, it provides options and spaces for scientific writing, and the visibility of research and its dissemination.
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