2022, Number 1
Professional improvement of the technologist on the biosafety protocol in Dentistry in times of COVID-19
Language: Spanish
References: 19
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Background: the high levels of spreading and contagion of SARS-CoV-2 have imposed modifications to biosafety protocols in Stomatology; hence the need to identify such changes and diagnose the preparation of the dental care technologist for their application.Objective: to identify the professional improvement needs of the technologist on the biosafety protocol in Dentistry in times of COVID-19.
Methods: a descriptive study was carried out in the Dentistry clinics of the health areas of the Santa Clara municipality during the month of February 2021. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction: for the theoretical references of the subject and empirical ones: documentary analysis, questionnaire and observation.
Results: more than 50% of the technologists had an average level of knowledge about the biosafety protocol; once the needs for improvement were identified, these were grouped into 10 indicators or topics to be developed in the different forms of the postgraduate course. In the training of the technologist in dental care, due to its clinical nature, the courses are usually face-to-face and practical; however, for this experience and in light of the conditions generated by the pandemic, it was proposed to include some virtual activities that promoted the use of electronic resources, so that they were interactive and motivated the student to carry them out.
Conclusions: shortcomings emerged that evidenced the need for overcoming technologists in dental care, mainly due to the changes in biosafety protocols and the difficulties detected in their compliance.
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