2022, Number 1
Theoretical and practical contributions to the training and improvement of professionals linked to clinical analysis
Language: Spanish
References: 15
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Background: current study and working conditions in medical sciences require optimal work from educational and care institutions to guarantee a graduate with deep ethical and human convictions.Objective: to express the theoretical and practical contributions of a strategy implemented for the training and improvement of professionals linked to clinical analysis.
Methods: a retrospective and documentary longitudinal study was carried out from January 2013 to December 2019 at Camagüey University of Medical Sciences. Theoretical and empirical methods were used: the documentary review that made it possible to collect the information regarding the investigations carried out in the analyzed period; and descriptive and inferential statistics for the analysis and expression of the results.
Results: they correspond to what has been achieved in different research projects aimed at improving the initial and postgraduate training of these professionals. They include: the establishment of an optional curriculum and the application of didactic materials in the Clinical Bio-analysis degree, and a subject from the own curriculum in the Short-cycle Clinical Analysis and Transfusion Medicine. In the postgraduate course, a theoretical model and a strategy for the professional improvement of the health technologist in the Clinical Laboratory from the integration of basic biomedical-laboratory sciences, and the implementation and evaluation of the impact of the Laboratory Sciences diploma course.
Conclusions: the implemented strategy contributed to improve the performance of students at training, and graduates, by having a postgraduate improvement system.
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