2022, Number 1
Comprehensive care for schoolchildren with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a case study
Language: Spanish
References: 18
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Background: the joint work of the educational and health sector in Cuba directs its efforts towards prevention, and establishes links to improve the quality of life of people suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.Objective: to describe partial results of a research carried out in the Santa Clara municipality, Villa Clara province, based on comprehensive care for schoolchildren with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, through the articulation of primary education with mental health institutions.
Methods: the study was carried out with a qualitative approach based on the design of an action research and the case study was used as a research strategy in the period from 2014 to 2019 in four primary education institutions and the respective areas of mental health. Methods of the theoretical and empirical level were used, and among the techniques, the researcher's diary and the analysis of evidence.
Results: the obstacles and progress of the research process itself allowed the conception of comprehensive care for schoolchildren with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and the materialization of its effectiveness in the evolution of schoolchildren, the preparation of families and teachers, and the exchange between educational and health institutions.
Conclusions: the conception of comprehensive care for schoolchildren with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with a multisectoral perspective from the educational and health sectors involves teachers and health specialists in individualized care to reduce the consequences of the disorder.
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