2022, Number 284
Characterization of primary glaucoma in media workers
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 1-6
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Introduction: glaucoma is a progressive, multifactorial optic neuropathy, characterized by specific morphological changes in the eye fundus. Multiple risk factors have been shown in its development. Objective: to characterize the behavior of primary open and closed angle glaucoma in media workers in Cienfuegos. Methods: an observational, descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in the period from September 2020 to April 2021. The universe was made up of 47 patients and all of them were worked on. The variables were studied: sex, age, skin color, work occupation, personal and family pathological history, intraocular pressure, corneal thickness, type of eye according to dimensions, amplitude of the iridocorneal angle and eye fundus. It used the descriptive statistic. Results: a predominance of the female sex was observed, which represented 70.12%. The age group 40-49 (16; 34.04%) predominated. Patients with no personal pathological history (22; 46.81%) and relatives (80, 85%) predominated. 72 cases with intraocular pressure above normal figures (76.59%). Patients without ocular alterations suggestive of glaucoma and with open angle (38; 80.85%) stood out. The fundus of the eye was normal in most patients. Conclusions: glaucoma can potentially develop at any age, preferably in males. Its appearance is preceded by a period of slow establishment where various factors occur and/or converge, which imply imbalances in intraocular pressure even in eyes with normal characteristics on ophthalmological examination.REFERENCES
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