2022, Number 1
Relationship between job stress and job satisfaction of the administrative staff of the General Hospital Riobamba
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 69-83
PDF size: 887.96 Kb.
Introduction: jobal stress is considered the disease of the 21st century. It strikes on the job satisfaction that is important in the performance of the worker. COVID-19 affects the working environment of the health care workers-including the administrative staff-therefore it is worthy to study this population.Objective: to determine the relationship between stress and jobnal satisfaction of the administrative staff of the General Hospital Riobamba, of Ecuador, during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Materials and methods: a cross-sectional, correlational and descriptive study of the administrative staff that worked during the COVID-19 pandemic was carried out. Two questionnaires were applied: ILO-WHO Job stress questionnaire and the Job satisfaction questionnaire S20/23.
Results: 76 % of the studied population presented a low stress level, but a representative relationship was found between the different stressors and the nominal variable of the work area. There was no relationship in the configuration analysis between stress and job satisfaction; what was found were inferences between the different factors of both questionnaires. There was no statistically significant relationship between stress and job satisfaction.
Conclusion: it was found that stressors such as organizational climate, organizational territory and leader's influence increased the probability of affecting individual satisfaction and benefits received in the administrative staff.
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