2022, Number 1
Fulfilment of the oral health goals for 2015 in a Family Physician's Office
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 20-31
PDF size: 829.46 Kb.
Introduction: epidemiology in oral health is essential to understand the impact of the disease and contribute to the organization of health services.Objective: to determine the degree of fulfilment of the proposed health goals for 2015, in the Family Physician’s Office Nr. 3.
Materials and methods: a cross-sectional descriptive observational study was conducted in the Family Physician’s Office Nr. 3, ot the area Centro of the municipality of Sancti Spiritus, between September and November 2019. The universe was formed by the entire population of the physician’s office, and the sample -150 patients- by a simple random sampling. The variables studied were: age, prevalence of dental caries, periodontal disease and malocclusions. Empiric and statistical methods were used.
Results: the most affected group was the 60 to 74-year-old age group, with a COP-D index of 14.12 at the expense of the lost teeth. 71.3 % of the sample did not have periodontal disease. Of those affected, the age group aged 60 to 74 years showed a prevalence of 68 %. 27 % of the population under 19 years had some kind of occlusive anomaly, predominating the 18-year-old age group. Only the percentage of population with without periodontal disease (63 % sick) was not accomplished with respect to the projections for 2015.
Conclusions: it was no accomplished the purpose related to the percentage of population without periodontal disease; the rest of the purposes were achieved, even surpassing the achievements in the province and the country in 2015.
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