2021, Number 6
Obstetric competence in prenatal care: a look from inter-professional work
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1493-1505
PDF size: 874.70 Kb.
Introduction: the extension activities in medical education contribute to the integral training of the student and to the solution of the main health problems of the society.Objective: to describe the knowledge of obstetric competence in prenatal care, from an inter-professional perspective in the students of Bachelor’s degree in Nursing.
Materials and methods: a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach was carried out in 10 students of the assistantship in Gynecobstetrics. Expert-validated interviews and observation guides were applied. The study was designed in three phases: experiences in the sustainability of the Maternal and Child Care Program, learning needs on prenatal care and identification of obstetric knowledge with an inter-professional approach.
Results: the students expressed as lived experience the need for continuous improvement. Values such as humanism and responsibility in professional practice were reinforced. Learning needs were identified: assessment of examinations and diagnostic tests, psychophysical and nutritional counseling, family support systems, safety measures for pregnant women, and identification and behavior in the face of complications. The knowledge to be considered in obstetric competence was determined from a model with an inter-professional approach.
Conclusions: the proposed model will allow the appropriate performance of the students of Bachelor´s degree in Nursing, while integrating them as active agents in the different community health actions, and by appropriating the necessary knowledge for an adequate follow-up of the pregnant woman at the primary health level.
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