2024, Number 02
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2024; 92 (02)
Uterine artery ligation for prevention of postpartum hemorrhage in patients with risk factors for cesarean section
Nucamendi SE, Chávez RJM, Long MNJ, Hernández GLE, López CSA
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 52-59
PDF size: 204.63 Kb.
Objective: Evaluation of the benefits and harms of bilateral uterine artery ligation for
prevention of postpartum hemorrhage in patients with risk factors.
Material and Method: Prospective, experimental, randomized, case-control,
longitudinal, comparative study conducted during 2022, which included patients
with risk factors for postpartum hemorrhage who terminated pregnancy by emergency
cesarean section. Two groups were included: the experimental group, in which the
technique of bilateral uterine artery ligation was applied, and the control group, in
which only cesarean section was performed. Before and after the surgical procedure,
blood loss, hemoglobin and hematocrit parameters were estimated and compared
with the control group.
Results: Ninety-one patients were studied: 45 in the experimental group and 46 in
the cesarean only group. Significant differences were observed in blood loss in the
experimental group (345.56 ± 64.69 mL) compared to the control group (426.06 ±
125.49 mL; p = 0.000247), in hemoglobin (experimental group: 11:13 ± 1.62 g/dL;
control group: 10.49 ± 1.32 g/dL, p = 0.037) and hematocrit (experimental group:
33.86%; control group: 31.87%; p = 0.017).
Conclusion: Bilateral uterine artery ligation in patients with risk factors for postcesarean
hemorrhage is an effective preventive measure that helps to reduce blood
loss. When combined with uterotonics, it reduces the volume of bleeding.
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