2024, Number 1
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Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl 2024; 44 (1)
Kidney Health: The importance of primary care in health care and in reducing system costs
Del Amo M, Garriga M, Rosales W, Touceda L
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 42-47
PDF size: 314.81 Kb.
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is
considered a public health problem
with a high disease burden,
affecting 9.1% of the world’s
population (2017) with 1.2 million
deaths annually.. In Argentina,
the prevalence is estimated at 3.8
million cases, representing
12.7% of the population over 18
years of age. It is an asymptomatic
disease and affects the population
unequally, falling more heavily on
the most vulnerable sectors. While
premature mortality accounts
for most of the disease burden,
morbidity is also significant. Late
treatment in advanced stages of
the disease (dialysis and transplant)
generates very high costs for the
health system and significantly
worsens people’s quality of life. The marked
lack of knowledge of kidney disease in the
population and the factors that could cause it
contribute to its progression. It is commonly
identified in advanced stages due to another
ailment, apparently different from kidney
disease and other comorbidities, generally
cardiovascular conditions, which is why many
patients die from associated pathologies without
detecting CKD. The leading causes of CKD
are modifiable, except age and other biological,
genetic, or hereditary conditions. It is necessary
to develop public health promotion and disease
prevention policies to address risk factors and
substantially reduce the disease burden.
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