2020, Number 3
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Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl 2020; 40 (3)
Systemic vasculature in chronic kidney disease. third part
Inserra F, Lavenia G, Forcada P, Castellaro BC
Language: Spanish
References: 70
Page: 251-267
PDF size: 338.87 Kb.
In this literature review we present various
therapeutic alternatives for vascular stiffness
in patients with chronic kidney disease. Here
we discussed the role of non-pharmacological
treatments with evidence of the benefit of
sodium restriction on vascular stiffness, the
positive effects in that sense shown by the
Mediterranean diet, and the small benefits of
physical activity on vascular stiffness in this
group of patients. Is in the pharmacological
treatment where the best benefits are evidenced;
both, on vascular stiffness and on the associated
cardiovascular events.
The effectiveness of renin-angiotensinaldosterone
system inhibitors and antialdosteronic
drugs to decrease blood pressure and stiffness
has been widely demonstrated. Other drugs,
such as endothelin receptor blockers, showed
their protective effects on the arterial wall, but
with potential adverse effects.
This article also reviews the effects of new
anti-diabetic drugs, iSLGT2 and aGLP-1 in
particular, and their effect on blood pressure
and vascular stiffness, particularly in patients
with chronic kidney disease. The utility of
drugs with effects on the inflammatory cascade
and drugs with a potential effect on vascular
calcification, complication occurring frequently
during renal function replacement treatment,
are also reviewed.
In short, this work focuses in the therapeutic
interventions on arterial stiffness, with emphasis
on the reduction of cardiovascular events and
mortality in patients with chronic kidney
Inserra F, Castellaro Bello C. La vasculatura sistémicaen la enfermedad renal crónica. Primera parte. RevNefrol Dial Traspl. 2019;39(4):279-90.
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