2020, Number 3
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Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl 2020; 40 (3)
Influence of coping styles on vital satisfaction of patients on hemodialysis treatment and renal transplantation
Sánchez EMJ, Valverde RM, García-Montes JM
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 221-231
PDF size: 216.55 Kb.
Objective: To investigate the relationship
between coping styles and levels of life satisfaction
of patients undergoing hemodialysis and patients
with renal transplantation.
Methods: Thirty four
patients on hemodialysis, twenty one patients
with renal transplantation and fifty who did not
suffer from any chronic disease took part in the
study. They were administered a Life Satisfaction
Scale and a Stress Coping Questionnaire. It
was checked whether there were significant
differences between the groups in the variables
studied. Additionally, the predictive capacity of
coping styles on life satisfaction for SV of each of
the groups that participated in the research was
Results: Patients on the hemodialysis
group have a significantly lower SV than the
participants in the control group, there being no
difference between the clinical groups or between
the group of transplanted patients and the control
group as regards the SV. In general terms, active
EAs predict positively the level of SV; but SV
increases for hemodialysis patients if there is also
some type of avoidant AD.
Conclusions: The
coexistence of active and avoidance coping styles,
in which a moderate level of denial is accompanied
by optimistic attitudes, raises the degree of vital
satisfaction of hemodialysis patients.
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