2024, Number 2
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salud publica mex 2024; 66 (2)
Human rights approach in the response to health and migration in Chile: documentary review.
Iribarne-Wiff J, Chepo-Chepo M, Ruiz-Azarola A
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 198-205
PDF size: 365.77 Kb.
Objective. To analyse the recognition of the health rights
of migrants in Chile in the health regulatory framework.
Materials and methods. A sequential mixed methodology
study. The qualitative phase included a documentary
analysis of 37 instruments published up to the year 2021,
on health actions aimed at the migrant population. Through
content analysis, specific elements of the rights-based approach
were identified. The quantitative phase included a
descriptive analysis of hospital discharges, health insurance
and health problems in the last three months. Data were
obtained from publicly available databases.
Results. Chile
has progressively developed the implementation of the right
to health for migrants. In turn, there is a reduction of gaps
in the three indicators: no health insurance (15.8% 2017 vs.
10.9% 2020), hospital admissions without health insurance
(25.5% 2014 vs. 6.6% 2020) and not having received medical
care for a perceived health problem in the last three months
(11.8% 2015 vs. 8.6% 2020).
Conclusion. Although Chile
is an example of progressive advance in the implementation
of the right to health for migrants, there are still pending
elements in terms of effective inclusion.
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