2024, Number 2
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salud publica mex 2024; 66 (2)
Food insecurity and water consumption in migrants in transit through Mexico during the Covid-19 pandemic
Montes-Micker AP, Mundo-Rosas V, Infante-Xibillé C, Deschak C, Aragón-Gama AC, Dolores-Maldonado G, Orjuela-Grimm M
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 157-164
PDF size: 314.19 Kb.
Objective. To examine the magnitude of food insecurity (FI)
in migrants, both in their place of origin and during transit
through Mexico and estimate the proportion of people who
were unable to consume water, in the context of the Covid-19
Materials and methods. A total of 166 migrants,
users of a soup kitchen located in northern Mexico,
were interviewed. To measure the state of food insecurity in
the place of origin and in transit through Mexico, the Latin
American and Caribbean Food Security Scale (ELCSA) and
an adapted version were applied. Water consumption during
transit was inquired about.
Results. 60.8% of migrants
were classified in moderate and severe FI in their place of
origin in the three months prior to displacement. During
transit through Mexico, 91.6% of migrants were classified
in moderate and severe FI and 86.8% felt thirsty at some
point during transit but did not drink water because it was
not available or safe or because they lacked the money to
buy it.
Conclusions. It is necessary to work on solutions
that improve access to water and food for the population in
transit, as part of their universal rights.
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