2024, Number 1
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2024; 45 (1)
Consequences of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on the emmetropization process and schoolage refractive defects
León FR
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 10-20
PDF size: 224.23 Kb.
Background: After the home confinement that occurred with the new SARS-CoV2
disease, there has been a change in the use of new information and communication
technologies (ICTs), increasing the visual demands in stages susceptible to the development
of refractive defects.
Objectives: To evaluate how home confinement, and the use of ICTs may have influenced
the distribution of refractive defects in children.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional analytical epidemiological study was
performed including a convenience sample of 244 children divided into 2 independent
groups: those who suffered home confinement (n=113) and those who did not (n=131).
Personal and family history, type of school, school schedule, extracurricular activities,
use of ICTs and homework were collected. Refraction under cycloplegia was explored.
Subsequently, the distribution of refractive defects in both groups was examined.
Results: The distribution of refractive defects in the group that suffered confinement
showed a lower number of emmetropic children and a higher number with astigmatism.
Conclusions: Home confinement after COVID-19 and changes in school and family
education with respect to the use of ICTs could have been supposed a greater visual
demand during the process of child emmetropization. In our study we observed fewer
emmetropic children and more with astigmatism after confinement, which could result
in an increased in the number of cases of myopia in the future.
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