2024, Number 49
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (49)
Immediacy in health: RSS technology
Michán-Aguirre L, Romero-Pérez MM
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 120-128
PDF size: 440.66 Kb.
We are currently in the digital era, where the virtual format
and computational technologies have made great
progress in biological sciences research. The use of
information is simpler and more eficient if an appropriate
process is followed and the relevant resources are
applied for each function, which is why there are a large
number of tools to generate, process, share and analyze
it, for example, Really Simple Syndication (RSS) or also
called really simple syndication, refers to a family of ‘web
feed’ formats. It helps connect users with those sources
that are of interest to them to keep them updated through
intelligent monitoring and greatly simpliples the task of
nding useful information. The user receives notifications
in one place every time an update occurs, without having
to consult different sources such as websites, video
channels, social media accounts, magazines and news.
Unlike other communication channels such as email
or social networks, simple syndication is one-way, starting
with the feeds to which the user has subscribed and
ending when the user receives the updates in a reader.
RSS, the process does not involve any other interaction,
it is a direct communication made up of simple and useful
units of information. The syndication of web content
through standard formats such as RSS has become an
increasingly popular mechanism for disseminating and
receiving new health information, for example, the topic
of COVID-19, which has been of importance in recent
years. This is one of the minimalist, ad-free, direct and
open technologies that we invite you to use, implement
and share.
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