2024, Number 49
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (49)
Medical education programs accreditation: comparison of results between evaluation teams
Martínez-González A, García-Minjares M, Zapata Castilleja CA, Hernández-Hernández J, Hernández-Tinoco J, Santacruz-Varela J
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 65-75
PDF size: 380.52 Kb.
Introduction: In Mexico, the Mexican Council for the Accreditation
of Medical Education A.C. (COMAEM, by its
acronym in Spanish) is in charge of the accreditation of
medical education programs taught by medical schools
and for this it relies on two teams, the Evaluation Team
(ET) and the Pre-determination Team (PT).
Objective: To compare the results of the accreditation
process of medical schools and faculties carried out by
the ETs and PTs, which establishes the COMAEM accreditation
Method: The results of 39 educational programs of
Mexican medical schools and colleges accredited by
COMAEM between 2019 and 2022 were analyzed. A
database provided by COMAEM was used and a descriptive
analysis was carried out with measures of central
tendency and dispersion to compare the evaluation
scores assigned by the ET and PT according to different
variables. Student’s t-test was applied for independent
samples in order to identify whether there were significant
Results: The scores assigned by the ETs and the PTs during
the accreditation processes of 39 medical educational
programs were similar for global and total results and
for the different types of indicators; basic, essential and
quality, with some differences that were not statistically
significant. Better scores and greater homogeneity were
found among the programs for the basic and essential
indicators than for the quality ones, which also had a
greater dispersion, which suggests a greater maturity
of the schools to comply with the basic and essential
indicators than with the quality indicators.
Conclusions: The competence of both teams is similar
and their experience, interpretation of the accreditation
standards and the impartiality to carry it out provide suf-
cient reliability to the accreditation carried out by COMAEM
and is a guarantee for medical schools.
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