2024, Number 49
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (49)
A proposal for teaching and learning in clinical practices of physiotherapy students
Chávez-Ciau ID, López-Gamboa GE
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 53-64
PDF size: 364.86 Kb.
Introduction: The Physiotherapy degree is obtained by
taking a 4 to 5-year university preparation with theoretical
and practical content in its curricular design. In the
second year of training, a period called “clinical practice”
is carried out where, through interaction with the patient,
the student learns and demonstrates different clinical
skills, however, teaching during this stage can neglect
additional skills to the student’s training.
Objective: Design a didactic teaching and learning proposal
for clinical educators through the diagnosis of clinical
and human training skills identified in physiotherapy
Method: An exploratory study and non-probabilistic convenience
sampling was carried out in 2 groups; the first
group formed by 32 students of the degree in physiotherapy
beyond the sixth semester who carried out clinical
practices in the physical therapy area of the ISSSTE
Regional Hospital “Elvia Carrillo Puerto” during the period
from February 2019 to January 2020 and the second
group formed by 3 therapists assigned to the institution
in charge of the clinical training of the students.
Results: Of the 3 therapists assigned to the hospital, 1
referred as “very good” to the teaching and learning process
during clinical practices in physiotherapy, however,
only 33.3% of those surveyed apply them periodically
for the teaching and completion of skills. in the students.
43.8% of the students surveyed categorized their clinical
teaching as “good” during their internship period, with
clinical skills being the most frequently practiced and
intrapersonal skills the least addressed for their learning.
Conclusions: The training proposal facilitates the conclusion
of better standards of competence in the training of
students in physiotherapy, which guarantees graduates
capable of facing the demands of patients who require a
professional and humane treatment of their future users.
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