2024, Number 49
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (49)
Dental graduates: perceived academic training, job satisfaction, and fulfillment of performance expectations
Hirose-López M, Sánchez-Mendiola M, Borges-Yáñez SA, García-Minjares M, Martínez-González A
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 40-52
PDF size: 377.18 Kb.
Introduction: Entering the labor market is an important
step for young people toward attaining self-suficiency,
where several complex circumstances are involved. Identifying
such circumstances is vital to promote their full,
early and timely professional integration. Studies focused
on dental graduates make a significant contribution to
achieving this goal.
Objective: To assess the perception that dental graduates
of a Mexican public university have of their professional
training, its relationship with job satisfaction and the fulfillment
of professional expectations.
Method: Cross-sectional observational study involving
185 dental graduates of two Mexican dental schools. An
online survey was administered to assess job satisfaction
and fulfillment of expectations. Experts obtained evidence
of content validity and Cronbach’s alpha was calculated.
Chi-square tests and an exploratory data analysis to obtain
the frequency distribution of all the variables were
performed. Two logistic regression models were fitted.
Results: 75% of the graduates had a job related to their
professional training, 78.9% considered their training useful,
and 78.1% were satisfied with their jobs. However,
50.3% were dissatisfied with their income, and only 41.5%
believed that their training prepared them for clinical work.
Those satisfied with their income and holding a job related
to their professional training were 8.5 times more likely
to be satisfied with their employment situation and 5.46
times more likely to have met their expectations.
Conclusions: Graduates perceived that their professional
training contributed significantly to their job satisfaction
and the fulifllment of their expectations, except in the clinical
field. It is essential to continue conducting research
on dental graduates.
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