2023, Number 4
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Otorrinolaringología 2023; 68 (4)
Clinical features of patients with tinnitus in a tertiary institution in Colombia
Jaramillo I, Vásquez S, Palacio V, Bedoya MJ, Sotomayor D, Franco L, Madrigal J, Castillo BM
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 187-194
PDF size: 213.48 Kb.
Objective: To describe clinical and epidemiologic features of tinnitus in one outpatient
setting using the European School for Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Research Screening
Questionnaire (ESIT-SQ).
Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional study was done from January to April
2022, in which the questionnaire ESIT-SQ was applied to patients who referred tinnitus
recently or at least over the last year care at a high-complexity institution in Medellin,
Colombia. A descriptive analysis was performed using STATA.15.
Results: One hundred forty-six participants were included. Females (53.4%) with
a median age of 46 years (RIC 31-61) were mostly affected. Tinnitus of gradual onset
(44.9%), bilateral (38.6%), intermittent (60.4%), ranging from medium to high frequencies
(33.7%) pure toned (53%) were mostly described. At least 50% of patients have
not previously visited outpatient settings for this symptom before and only 39% were
treated. Acute otitis media, presbycusis and acoustic trauma were the otologic diseases
mostly associated to tinnitus.
Conclusions: Bilateral tinnitus with gradual onset and intermittent characteristics
with a pure tone were described in middle-aged women at a tertiary institution in
Colombia. The use of the ESIT-SQ questionnaire allows for comprehensive clinical
characterization and description of tinnitus. Increased usage in Latin America would
enable comparative studies with greater clinical and audiological impact.
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