2023, Number 6
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2023; 44 (6)
Micronutrients deficiency. Current circumstance in early life and its impact on health and economy
Ríos GPT, Perea MA, Macías PM, Bravo LAG, Pecero HMJ, Santiago LLM, Reyes GU, Villanueva CH, Perea CAL
Language: Spanish
References: 69
Page: 474-483
PDF size: 245.32 Kb.
The concept of the "quadruple burden of malnutrition" refers to the isolated or combined
existence of four challenges in the field of human nutrition:
l) energy-protein malnutrition,
2) obesity,
3) malhydration, and
4) deficiency of one or severa micronutrients.
Malnutrition deficiency, also called “hidden hunger” or for the authors micronutrientopenia,
represents a global health problem, negatively impacts development, physical
and mental well-being, productivity and the potential development of a better quality
of life. Unlike malnutrition, the health effects derived from DM tend to be silent or of
low expression and frequently underestimated. The World Health Organization (WHO)
estimates that more than 2 billion people suffer from DM worldwide. This problem
is especially common in low- and middle-income economies, where it particularly
affects pregnant women and infants. In this manuscript we review how micronutrient
deficiency (“micronutrientopenia”) affects early life and its impact on health and the
economy, so we propose to show the epidemiological significance of these deficiencies
both globally and nationally, their level of impact biological and economic, as well
as their opportunities for action.
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