2021, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Farm 2021; 54 (4)
Potential drug-laboratory test interactions in patients hospitalized in an intensive care unit
Sosa Fernández-Aballí L, Marcillo VÁA, Cedeño ML, Cabrera MD, Howland ÁI, Oviedo MC
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 711.03 Kb.
Introduction: Patients hospitalized in an intensive care unit are under
treatment with multiple drugs, which can interfere with the results of
laboratory tests, and lead to misdiagnosis, incorrect treatment and
unnecessary additional tests.
Objective: Identify potential drug-laboratory test interactions in patients
hospitalized in the intensive care unit of ¨Dr. Verdi Cevallos Balda¨ Regional
Methods: A descriptive and retrospective study was conducted. The medical
records of patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit were reviewed, in
the period January 2018 to September 2019. Once the data were obtained, a
literature search was carried out for the drugs that may cause alterations in
the results of the laboratory tests and the frequency of the potential
interactions between the laboratory tests and the most used drugs was
Results: In total, 1585 tests were registered and 1485 potential druglaboratory
interactions related to the biological effect of the drugs were
detected. It was appreciated that the same test may be subject to
interference from several drugs or the same drug may affect several
determinations. Furosemide was the most involved drug in potential
interactions and the omeprazole-transaminase glutamic oxalacetic and
metoclopramide-serum glucose pairs were the most frequent.
Conclusions: In patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit, there is a
high prevalence of potential interactions between laboratory tests and
administered drugs, either due to the amount prescribed or due to the high
frequency of tests in which they interfere. The possibility of an interaction
appearing does not mean that it does so constantly, but it is important that
they are taken into account in the interpretations of laboratory results.
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