2021, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Farm 2021; 54 (3)
News and perspectives of natural antimicrobials
Díaz PL, Suárez PY, Rubio OA, Travieso NMC
Language: Spanish
References: 50
Page: 1-22
PDF size: 527.27 Kb.
Introduction: The resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics is one of the most
serious health problems, so the search for antimicrobial active ingredients is a
priority in global research. In this sense, natural sources (plants, microorganisms,
algae, among others.) are of great interest due to the large diversity of chemical
compounds or secondary metabolites they offer and the proven antimicrobial
properties that many of them have.
Objective: Update natural antimicrobials (derived from plants and
microorganisms) as potential active ingredients for the fight against antimicrobial
Methods: Qualitative research based on the systematic review of scientific
literature, such as the Web of Science and Pubmed, based on keywords related to
antimicrobial resistance and its negative impact on global health, in addition to
advances in the research of natural products in the solution to this problem.
Conclusions: Plants and microorganisms are among the most studied bioresources
in the search for effective and safe antimicrobials to contribute to the solution of
the great problem represented by antimicrobial resistance, because they have a
wide variety of chemical compounds and secondary metabolites with proven
properties against a wide variety of pathogens (bacteria, fungi and viruses). The
management and sustainable use of these natural sources are of high priority with
a view to their industrial use without affecting the environment.
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