2023, Number 4
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Rev Educ Bioquimica 2023; 42 (4)
Quemerina: un posible biomarcador del procesoproinflamatorio en tejido adiposo blanco
Manivel CRA, Sánchez VR, Ramos RM
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 187-195
PDF size: 628.47 Kb.
Chemerin is an adipokine secreted by white adipose tissue, and is respon-sible for regulating different biological processes such as adipogenesis, angiogénesis, and metabolism. In addition, it acts as a proinflammatory agent, favoring the development of obesity. Experimental evidence shows an association between its serum concentration and the development of an inflammatory state, overweight, obesity and associated pathologies such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and hypertension, among others. This raises the possibility of using chemerin serum levels, in conjunction with a medical evaluation, in the timely diagnosis of overweight and obesity. The aim of this work is to analyze the role of chemerin in the initiation and development of the inflammatory process and its possible utility as an early overweight and obesity biomarker.
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