2023, Number 4
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Dermatología Cosmética, Médica y Quirúrgica 2023; 21 (4)
Pressure ulcers and other injuries treated in a wound clinic for seven years
Santana RC, Santiago GN, Martínez LY, Antonio FN, Hernández HJC, Barrios PKN, Hernández PL, Hernández VRY, Pérez GMF, Vázquez XJM, Barrios PA
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 300-306
PDF size: 392.59 Kb.
Background: pressure ulcers are a frequent complication in hospitalized
people with reduced mobility, which increases morbidity.
They are associated with humidity, friction and dependency; they
are treatable and preventable.
Method: descriptive, retrospective and longitudinal study. Records
of 4 026 patients with pressure ulcers, who were treated by
nurses in a wound clinic during 2013 to 2019, with a non-probabilistic
sample, were analyzed.
Results: high risk pressure ulcers were found in 57%; 49% (2
008 patients) developed from one to six wounds in different stages.
3 023 injuries were treated; heels 31% and sacro-coccyx 25%
predominated. Of which, 78% were due to pressure, 15% friction,
6% humidity and 2% others. The hydrocolloid dressing was the
main treatment with 41%. 49% underwent prolonged hospitalization
in intensive care units, and 54% were men in the adult stage.
Conclusions: a high risk of pressure ulcers and complications
was identified in the stages. Pressure ulcers and friction injuries
predominated on heels; the lesions associated with humidity and
mixed lesions affected the sacro-coccyx, the lesions caused by adhesives
prevailed in the neck and thorax. The treatment was wet
cure, use of collagenase, hydrocellular and hydrocolloid dressing.
The approach to the lesion will depend on the characteristics of
the wound and the stage.
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