2021, Number 1
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Rev Cuba Enf 2021; 37 (1)
Continuous cares and health status in the elderly with prostate cancer
Lluch BA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-6
PDF size: 384.39 Kb.
Introduction: The aging process brings about physiological changes, both organically and mentally, that may be the cause for pathophysiological events, including cancer, an entity with significant repercussions on the health status of the elderlies.
Objective: To highlight the need for continuous care to enhance the health status of the elderlies with prostate cancer.
Methods: A brief communication was made from a preliminary study with a descriptive cross-sectional approach, from June 2019 to February 2020, at María Curie Oncology Hospital, in Camagüey, Cuba, where a survey about the information level of continuous care in oncology and the components of the theories of Sister Callista Roy and Kristen M. Swanson was applied in sixteen nurses who participated in the project. Health status assessment was carried out, using the Katz index and Lawton scale in 34 older adults with prostate cancer.
Results: Minimum ally acceptable and unacceptable levels of information were described in the surveyed personnel. The comprehensive assessment of the elderlies with prostate cancer allowed us to know expressions of dependence on the activities of daily and instrumented life.
Conclusion: The study favored the comprehensive training of the nursing staff regarding ongoing care of cancer patients. In addition, it provided guidelines that strengthen the usefulness of comprehensive assessment for the process of continuous care of the elderlies with prostate cancer, so that these guidelines allow preserving behaviors that generate biopsychosocial health and enhance their health status.
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