2022, Number 1
Virilizing adrenocortical carcinoma in a child
Language: Spanish
References: 33
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Introduction: Adrenal tumors in children are rare and adrenal carcinoma represents less than the 10%. In the prepubescent, the most typical manifestation is the development of early puberty.Objective: Describe the clinical characteristics and diagnostic and therapeutic procedures of a patient with adrenal carcinoma in a pediatric age.
Case presentation: 8-year-old male, white-skinned patient with a history of health conditions. He attentds to the consultation due to pubic hair growth and penis enlargement in length and thickness of approximately 2 years of evolution. Physical examination shows increased growth rate and signs suggestive to virilization (deep voice, axillary hair, pubic sexual hair and external genitalia in Tanner's stage III). Hormonal studies were carried out that corroborated hyperandrogenism by autonomic endogenous secretion, with suppressed gonadotropin levels, elevated testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone levels. Imaging studies were also performed that showed accelerated bone age and the existence of a tumor. A left adrenalectomy was performed and stage 2 left virilizing adrenocrotical carcinoma was confirmed by pathological anatomy studies. He began chemotherapy treatment for this diagnosis and is currently being followed up.
Conclusions: Adrenocortical carcinomas in children are mostly functioning and are one of the causes of peripheral early puberty. These are uncommon and aggressive, so genetic studies in families with hereditary syndromes would contribute to their early diagnosis for adequate treatment and better prognosis.
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