2023, Number 12
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2023; 91 (12)
Ophthalmic artery Doppler: a model for the prediction of preeclampsia
Sanabria VLC, Santiago SL, Malfavón FM, Herrera EJP, Jiménez CD, Zatarain BNC, Gaona TCJ
Language: Spanish
References: 71
Page: 885-902
PDF size: 264.76 Kb.
Background: Preeclampsia remains a public health problem in Mexico and is
currently the leading cause of maternal death. Its incidence is 47.3 cases per 1000
live births. Pre-eclampsia has consequences for the mother and the fetus, so there is a
need to validate effective screening models for early diagnosis. Doppler assessment of
the ophthalmic artery continues to be studied because it provides valuable information
on intracranial hemodynamic changes that occur before the symptomatic course
of the disease.
Objective: To analyze the recommendations of different authors who have evaluated
the use of ophthalmic artery Doppler as a screening model in the prediction and early
diagnosis of pre-eclampsia.
Methodology: Retrospective study based on the search exhaustive search of different
databases of meta-analyses and randomized clinical trials describing in detail
the population studied and the ophthalmic artery parameters evaluated.
Results: Twenty-two publications were identified and after screening, 8 articles were
excluded as duplicates, 2 for not meeting the inclusion criteria and 1 for being in a
language other than English; finally, 11 titles were reviewed, and another 60 articles
were reviewed to complement the study topic.
Conclusions: Doppler evaluation of the ophthalmic artery is a simple, rapid, reproducible,
safe, and noninvasive test that can be used to evaluate the ophthalmic artery.
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