2022, Number 1
Assessment of medical training in Primary Health Care at a university of Bahia, Brazil
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 1-19
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Introduction: The development of human resources in health should respond to the epidemiological and social needs of each country. In Brazil, medical training represents a great challenge for the consolidation of primary health care in the context of the health system.Objective: To assess medical training in primary health care in a University of Bahia, Brazil, based on interactive work processes involving the academy, the provision of health services and the community.
Methods: A qualitative case study guided by the principles of fourth-generation evaluation was carried out. The groups of interest were students, professors, health workers and health system users who were part of the teaching-learning process corresponding to the students’ practice for the integration of education, service and community. Based on the observation of pedagogical activities, the reading of documents and the semistructured interview, together with the application of Negotiation and the dialectical hermeneutic circle, the empirical reality was analyzed following the hermeneutic-dialectic referent.
Results: The participants showed that they understood primary care and the medical profile to perform at this level of care. The students’ practice for the integration of education, service and community need to strengthen institutional links to improve interprofessional training and teamwork. There is a need to expand training spaces in primary health care throughout the major.
Conclusions: Rediscussing the pedagogical project of the major is considered necessary in view of promoting changes that bring closer all subjects who are part of the teaching-learning process, in order to strengthen training in primary health care.
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