2022, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2022; 36 (1)
A pedagogical strategy for clinical practice in the subject Adult Care II
Díaz AD, Expósito CMY, Díaz MDC, Pacheco CCC, Velasco BLI
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 1-18
PDF size: 383.62 Kb.
The teaching and learning process in nursing is characterized by articulating theory and practice. The proposal was structured upon experiential learning, in which the subject is not an observer anymore and becomes a participant in his/her own learning experience instead.
To design a pedagogical strategy for improving clinical practice in the subject Adult Care II.
Quantitative and nonexperimental study carried out with 37 Nursing students during their Adult Care II course. Literature systematization, review of previous academic reports, diagnostic tests on basic and specific procedures, as well as rapid course test, were carried out, which served as an input for the strategy design.
The alignment of the subject allowed to define the relationship between nursing learning outcome, partial learning outcome and course learning outcome (NLO-PLO-CLO) and create a matrix relating learning outcomes, learning activities and Adult Care II assessment, which facilitated structuring the clinical practice. Several collaborative learning techniques were incorporated. Skill cards and clinical practice rotations were structured, and checklists for general and specific nursing procedures were adjusted.
It is significant that the professor creates pedagogical strategies that help the student build and connect his/her knowledge based on the tools that clinical services can provide them with, in order for the student to participate, decide and be a direct player, by encouraging being and doing in view of knowing and interacting with others.
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