2023, Number 5
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2023; 44 (5)
Munchausen by proxy: Experience of a pediatric tertiary care hospital in Mexico
Vélez OA, García PCA, Argüelles AP, Solís IP
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 353-364
PDF size: 227.95 Kb.
Introduction: Munchausen by proxy constitutes a form of child abuse in which
the people in charge of caring for a child or adolescent (Children or Adolescents),
usually the mother, exaggerate the symptoms of an existing illness, invent stories,
falsify symptoms or alter studies. It is usually difficult to detect, patients are subjected
to a series of unnecessary and potentially harmful studies, procedures and treatments.
Objective: Identify the characteristics of patients with Munchausen by proxy, the
most frequent symptoms and pathologies and the characteristics of the main caregiver.
Materials and Methods: An observational, retrospective, cross-sectional, descriptive
study was carried out on the cases treated over a period of 6 years at the Clinic for
Comprehensive Care of Abused Children (CAINM) of the National Institute of Pediatrics.
Results: Of the cases studied, there were no differences in terms of gender, the usual
presentation was with an average of 5 years, in relation to the clinical characteristics,
mixed symptoms predominated, characterized by respiratory, gastrointestinal and
hematological conditions. In relation to family characteristics, the mother was the
main caregiver.
Conclusion: This is an entity that is difficult to detect, due to the variability of the
clinical picture, it occurs in the medical field, which leads the doctor to perpetuate
the cycle and possible damage. Being familiar with this condition helps to suspect and
channel cases in a timely manner.
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