2023, Number 6
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Med Int Mex 2023; 39 (6)
Hidden curriculum in medical education: Concepts and dimensions. Scope review
Lugo MJA, Menéndez CJA, Medina VE, García RPE, Guerrero PJA, Escobar MAL
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 883-898
PDF size: 237.69 Kb.
Objective: To understand the concept and dimensions most accepted by different
authors about the hidden or informal curriculum in medical education.
Methodology: Scoping review methodology was used to guide the search for relevant
documents in electronic databases. PubMed, Elsevier, Google Academico, by a
pair of researchers in the English language, with the keywords “informal curriculum” OR
“hidden curriculum” AND “medical education”, from January 2018 to May 2022. Full
text, quantitative, qualitative, and mixed research articles that addressed the concept
and elements of the hidden curriculum were selected.
Results: Of the 607 writings found initially, duplicates, articles not accessed due to
cost, letters to the editor and non-medical research studies were eliminated. Ultimately
19 studies were retained and included in this review. The components of hidden curriculum
that were most pointed out were organizational and human factors and their
content, which includes habits and customs, norms, values, belief systems, attitudes,
behavioral expectations, motivational-psychological, and educational aspects.
Conclusions: The concepts of Jackson in 1968 and more recently in 1990 by
Hafferty were the most used, and considering the latter author, he defines it as a set of
influences that work in an organizational and cultural structure, which is generated in
hospital practice before the patient.
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