2022, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Anestesiología y Reanimación 2022; 21 (1)
WhatsApp application as a learning tool in medical teaching
Colmenares SF, Benavides MA, Pozo RJA, Correa BM
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 291.76 Kb.
Introduction: The role of the tutor in virtual medical education seems to be that
of a transmitter of knowledge to a facilitator of learning. WhatsApp application is
one of the resources that is used for this purpose.
Objective: Describe the results of the use of WhatsApp application for computers
as a tool for educational interaction in the Anesthesiology Service of “Manuel
Ascunce Domenech” University Hospital.
Methods: Observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study to determine the
usefulness of WhatsApp, as a communication tool between the tutor and a group
of students of the Specialty of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation, from June 2020
to June 2021. The population was of 40 students and the sample was of 15, who
met the inclusion criteria. Weekly teaching communication was carried out or at
the request of the student, without a fixed schedule, through WhatsApp. A
questionnaire based on the objectives of the research was applied after one year.
Results: All students were under 30 years of age, but the ages between 23-26
years (60%) predominated, the female sex represented 66.66% of the participants,
73.33% established a connection through a smartphone, the main advantages
referred to were: immediacy (93.33%), the link with the tutor and physical
distancing (86.66%), and privacy (80%). The main disadvantages were: high cost of
connectivity (100%), small screen to read (46.66%), inappropriate hours (40%). The
majority reported a high degree of satisfaction (86.66%).
Conclusions: The use of WhatsApp offers multiple advantages for the relationship
between the tutor and the students, and promotes a successful outcome in the
learning process.
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