2023, Number 11
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2023; 91 (11)
Liver rupture: rare complication of HELLP syndrome. Case report and bibliographic review
Rodríguez VJC, Castillo LGE, Trujillo IC, Barrera GAG, Santos RAE, González MJ
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 847-856
PDF size: 511.17 Kb.
Background: Hepatic rupture is an extremely rare complication in HELLP syndrome.
The worldwide incidence of pregnancy-related hypertensive diseases is 4.5%, with liver
rupture occurring in approximately 1 in 250,000 pregnancies. Mortality is high when
it is present, which can be up to 90%.
Clinical case: A 34-year-old multigravida woman was admitted at 34.2 weeks of
gestation to the emergency room due to clinical hypertensive encephalopathy and
sudden onset of pain in epigastrium and hypochondrium. At admission hemodynamically
stable, blood work only reported thrombocytopenia, hepatic function altered
with elevated liver enzymes and hemolysis. The hepatic ultrasound reported hematoma
subcapsular. An emergency laparotomy with c- section was performed with a massive
hemoperitoneum was observed. A subcapsular hepatic hematoma with rupture and
active hemorrhage managed with hepatic packing. However, the patient continued to
a second-look laparotomy was performed with active hemorrhage, which led to
packing and 48 hours the removal of the packing. Her recovery was favorable and was
discharged 16 days after her admission, with no subsequent complications.
Conclusions: The presentation of the case and bibliographic review suggests that
hypertensive states of pregnancy, mainly preeclampsia, eclampsia and HELLP syndrome,
are the main risk factor for the formation of a hepatic hematoma, and in exceptional
cases the consequent rupture, even after delivery. Birth.
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