2023, Number 4
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Aten Fam 2023; 30 (4)
Cohesion and Adaptability in Families with a Member on the Autism Spectrum
Castro-Silva SR, Corona-Lara JM, Salazar-Reyes JP, Lerma-Narváez KS, Villaseñor-Hidalgo R
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 275-279
PDF size: 119.75 Kb.
Objective: to evaluate cohesion and
adaptability in families with a member
with autism.
Methods: descriptive
cross-sectional study, a sampling by convenience
was used. After signing an
informed consent form, 20 parents in
charge of children and adolescents with
autism, assigned to a family medicine
unit, were interviewed. Sociodemographic
data and socioeconomic status
were collected using the Graffar Méndez
Castellanos tool, and the Family Adaptability
and Cohesion Evaluation Scale
(FACES III) was used to evaluate family
functionality. Data were processed in the
Excel program version 2019, descriptive
statistics were performed, and tables
and graphs were designed to synthesize
the results.
Results: the average age
of the members with autism was 12 ±
2.12 years, the average age at diagnosis
was 5.7 years, and 2.7 years of delay in
diagnosis. Regarding cohesion, a higher
frequency of related and flexible families
was obtained for adaptability. In
functional families, the middle socioeconomic
stratum predominated, while in
dysfunctional families, the middle and
upper middle stratum. Dysfunctional
families were observed in 55% of the
cases, with a higher prevalence of chaotically
related families.
dysfunctional traits were observed in
most of the surveyed families.
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