2023, Number 4
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Aten Fam 2023; 30 (4)
Timely Detection of Behavioral Risks in High School Students in Mexico City
Rodríguez-Ramírez DI, Martini-Blanquel HA
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 270-274
PDF size: 130.32 Kb.
Objective: To assess the risk of behavioral
problems in adolescent students in
Mexico City.
Methods: analytical crosssectional
study, 432 adolescents from
the College of Sciences and Humanities
(cch) participated, where the posit
instrument (
Problem Oriented Screening
Instrument for Teenagers) was applied,
which measures the risk of behavioral
problems in adolescents through seven
dimensions: drug use/abuse, mental
health, family and friends’ relationships,
level of education, job interest, and aggressive-
delinquent behaviors. Student's
t-Test was used to assess whether there
were differences between males and females
(by dimension).
Results: 55.9%
of the 432 students were female, 42.3%
were studying the second semester,
34.6% the fourth semester, and 23.1%
the sixth semester. When the dimensions
were analyzed according to gender, statistically
significant differences were found
in favor of women in the mental health
area (p= 0.022). In the case of men, there
were two areas: relationships with friends
(p= 0.001), and job interest (p= 0.0000).
Conclusions: some of the most affected
areas were mental health, relationships
with friends, and job interest in the
studied group; however, aspects such as
family, and those related to aggressive/
delinquent behaviors continue to be
important triggers for risk behaviors.
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