2023, Number 2
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Bol Clin Hosp Infant Edo Son 2023; 40 (2)
Complex gastroschisis associated with necrosis of the cecum, meconium ileus and atresia of the ascending colon. Case report
Pacheco-Barete CF, López-Cruz G, Leyva-Bohórquez PC, Rodríguez-García J, López-Días AV, Bravo-Torres M, Martínez-Hernández Y, Coronado-García, R, Rosas-Paz NE, López-Días PS, Reyes-Gómez U, Reyes-Hernández KL, Quero-Hernández A
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 53-58
PDF size: 234.62 Kb.
Complex gastroschisis defines cases with abdominal
wall defect associated with intestinal atresia, stenosis,
volvulus, necrosis, or perforation. In this work we present
the clinical case of female, 37 weeks gestation.
Heredofamilial history, no relevant data. Prenatal history:
G1, A0, diagnosed with gastroschisis in the first
trimester. Postnatal history: born via abdominal delivery,
++ meconium-stained amniotic fluid, flaccid, no
respiratory effort, Silverman-Andersen 4, APGAR 6/8,
weight 2,720 grams, length 48 cm, head circumference
32 cm, chest circumference 26 cm, abdominal circumference
26 cm, foot length 7 cm. Current condition:
developed meconium aspiration syndrome and complex
gastroschisis at birth. Diffuse infiltrates on chest
X-ray. Surgical findings: colonic atresia with transmural
necrosis of cecal wall, including the vermiforme cecal
appendix and ileocecal valve. Thick, adherent meconium
pellets in the terminal ileum. Ileostomy was performed
to facilitate meconium management through
enemas. At 14 days, abdominal plasty and ileocolic
anastomosis were performed without complications.
Oral administration of acetylcysteine resumed after
5 days and was discontinued at one month of age without
complications. Complementary studies and follow-
up: weat electrolytes ruled out cystic fibrosis, and
neonatal screening was normal. Current follow-up at 1
year and 6 months shows. Weight within normal limits.
Low height, under surveillance. Developmental delay,
so she is included in an early stimulation program.
Complex gastroschisis requires multiple surgeries and
is associated with higher morbidity and mortality than
simple gastroschisis. Timely management can change
the morbidity outcome.
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Catálogo maestro de práctica clínica: IMSS-510-11.Guía de práctica clínica GPC. Abordaje diagnósticoy seguimiento del paciente pediátrico con tallabaja