2023, Number 2
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Bol Clin Hosp Infant Edo Son 2023; 40 (2)
Rectal migration of the distal catheter of the ventriculoperitoneal shunt valve. Case report
Balvanera RÉA, Soto VMN, Leyva CDM
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 49-52
PDF size: 185.03 Kb.
Complications of ventricular shunt in pediatrics are reported
in 24 to 47% of cases. Distal catheter migration
through the rectum is a very rare complication, with
a great impact on the patient's morbidity and mortality.
This clinical case present a female infant aged 1
year 7 months, with a history of communicating hydrocephalus
at birth, requiring placement of a ventricular
peritoneal shunt valve at 20 days of life. He went to the
emergency department for presenting exteriorization
of the distal catheter of the ventriculoperitoneal valve
through the rectum. His vital signs were normal. The
physical examination revealed no neurological alterations,
no evidence of peritoneal irritation, and an 8-cm
exit from the distal catheter through the anal orifice.
A radiographic series was carried out confirming the
diagnosis, for which the neurosurgery service was
consulted, transferring the patient to the operating
room urgently. The distal catheter was removed and a
broad-spectrum antibiotic scheme was started. Subsequently,
placement of a new shunt valve was scheduled,
which was performed without complications.
Migration of the distal ventriculoperitoneal shunt catheter
through the rectum is a rare complication in
pediatrics. Due to its low frequency, there is no established
management, various recommendations have
been proposed, however, management should always
be individualized, always opting for the most effective
but least invasive procedure.
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