2023, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2023; 26 (2)
Validity and reliability analysis of the list of adjectives to assess personalityrevised (AEPR-44)
García SHD, Sapino BME, González REN, Riber ZSM
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 629-650
PDF size: 517.09 Kb.
The study of personality has given rise to one of the most prolific
theories; that of the Big Five Factors. From this model different
measuring instruments have been developed; among them, the
List of Adjectives to Evaluate Personality (Sánchez and
Ledesma, 2013). A two-stage descriptive-instrumental study was
carried out with samples of 293 and 245 participants from
different regions of Argentina, to evaluate its psychometric
properties. The first study showed an unsatisfactory adequacy of
the polychoric correlation matrix. After eliminating the reagents
that presented difficulties, and obtaining an abbreviated version
(44 items), an exploratory factor analysis was carried out that
allowed the identification of five factors, which explained more
than 55% of the variance. The factor loads clearly discriminated
the corresponding factor, coinciding with the ordering found by
Sánchez and Ledesma (2013), and acceptable internal
consistency indexes were obtained. The confirmatory factorial
analysis corroborated the concordance between the theoretical
substrate in which the instrument is anchored and the proposed
factorial structure of the revised List of adjectives to assess
personality (AEPR-44), presenting itself as a valid alternative for
use in our context.
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