2023, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2023; 26 (2)
Eating attitudes and behaviors amongst college students during the COVID-19 pandemic
Corona OS, Ochoa GC
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 609-628
PDF size: 453.53 Kb.
The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected the mental
health of the general population and it has altered its daily life
and eating habits. The aim of this research was to identify
unhealthy eating attitudes and behaviors amongst college
students from the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) during
the COVID-19 pandemic. In this research 82 women and 11
men, members of the UIC were assessed. A survey was used to
gather sociodemographic information. Eating behaviors were
evaluated using the Eating Attitudes Test by Garner and
Garfinkel through and adapted versión of eight items developed
by Richter and collaborators, an original ad hoc survey was
created to evaluate eating behaviors during the COVID-19
pandemic. The EAT-8 reported that more than half of the
subjects (56.8%) has manifested unhealthy eating behaviors.
72% of the sample feel terrified of being overweight, 62.4% feel
worried with the desire of being thinner and 69.9% feel worried
with the thought of having fat on their body. The ad hoc survey
reported that 35.82% of the sample has had unhealthy eating
behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic. 43% informed binging
episodes with loss of control and 54.8% felt terrified with the idea
of being overweight. It’s necessary the implementation of
psychoeducational and intervention programs to prevent and
treat unhealthy eating behaviors.
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