2023, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2023; 26 (2)
Parenting practices and father-child with disability interaction: an intervention program
Hernández BA, Guevara BY
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 548-567
PDF size: 493.80 Kb.
The pursuit of welfare of children with disabilities through positive
parenting and equally paternity, in addition to the few
investigations about paternity and disability motivated this
investigation. By linking the children’s disabilities, paternity, the
formative role of the family and, specifically, the parenting and
interaction patterns, the aim was proving the efficacy of an online
intervention program intended for fathers with children with
disability to improve their parenting practices and interaction
patterns. Took part 4 dyads who were evaluated with behavioral
catalogues and interviews before and after 10 sessions of
behavioral intervention on topics such as familiar dynamic,
parenting, habits and routines, paternities, interaction patterns,
relevance and characteristics of play behavior and shared
responsibility in domestic tasks. The results show increases in
behaviors like play, get involved or chat and decreases in
behaviors like watch passively or ignore. The interviews show
increases in the time they spent together as a family, higher coresponsibility
in parenting duties and more democratic practices.
In conclusion, the objective was achieved and its necessary to
argue the importance of father involvement and visualize children
with disability as active agents of their own development.
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