2023, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2023; 26 (2)
Rational emotive behavioral therapy and the treatment of addictions: foundations and strategies
Carrascoza VCA
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 549-571
PDF size: 481.45 Kb.
This article first presents an overview of the status of the public
health problem in Mexico, generated by the use and abuse of legal
and illegal drugs. It also exposes a form of intervention that has been
effective in many countries, as well as in Mexico: Rational Emotive
Behavioral Therapy, proposed mainly by Albert Ellis. The
emergence and foundations of this orientation are described in a
synthetic way, as well as its application in the field of addictions. It
is expected that the particularly didactic approach of this work will
allow the interested professional to expand their knowledge and
efficiency when clinically intervening with drug users. At the end, by
way of conclusions, some comments are included that question its
scientific validity, as well as its emphasis on the eclecticism that
characterizes it.
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